Back in 2005, a gentleman farmer friend who needed parts for his tractor, invited me to accompany him to what he termed the Tractor Graveyard. I grabbed my camera and off we went.

The salvage yard organization is one of like parts and brands, crankshafts, axles, wheels and transmissions. Within this structure I found too the chance of random throws. Designs in shape and color emerged to my photographer’s eye. Not unlike close-up patterns of nature, I saw the hidden artistry of Man’s Machinery. On that day I discovered the beauty of metal and mud, paint and purpose fused from sweat and muscle.

These are not only salvaged tractor parts to be reused. They hold the stories of lives lived in the fields; the harvesting of hopes and dreams along with the foods that feed us. I witnessed these remnants and created my own story. 

All photos taken on location at Farmland Tractor Supply, Tangent OR